

For Hind Woman



The wood is Buxus sempervirens. It is a slow growth tree and this gives the wood a remarkable hardness(possibly the hardest in Europe)  and heaviness. It is free of grain produced by growth rings, making it ideal for cabinet-making, the crafting of clarinets, engraving, marquetry, woodturning, tool handles, mallet heads and as a substitute for ivory. Dark spots are natural shades for this kind of wood.

The size of this object is quite important and the choice must be pondered. Its length is 23 cm, diameter from 4,5 to 5,5 cm., weight about 430 gr. That proves the consistency and hardness. It took 100 years the tree to have such a growth, this gives the object  an inestimable value.




L'albero m'è penetrato nelle mani,

La sua linfa m'è ascesa nelle braccia,

L'albero m'è cresciuto nel seno -


I rami spuntano da me come braccia.

Sei albero,

Sei muschio,

Sei violette trascorse dal vento -

Creatura - alta tanto - tu sei,

E tutto questo è follia al mondo.

(E. Pound)

Buxus Sempervirens