The wood is Eucaliptus.
Eucalyptus is a tree that can reach 25 meters in height.
Its leaves are used as anti-inflammatory respiratory tract and the wood is used for the problem at the urogenital apparatus.
Nothing better then a dildo made with this type of wood.
It has a length of 21cm and a width of 3cm. It's weight is about 130 grams
Non una dolcezza mi matura,
e fu di pena deriva
ad ogni giorno
il tempo che rinnova
a fiato d'aspre resine.
In me un albero oscilla
da assonnata riva,
alata aria
amare fronde esala.
M'accori, dolente rinverdire,
odore dell'infanzia
che grama gioia accolse,
inferma già per un segreto amore
di narrarsi all'acque.
Isola mattutina:
riaffiora a mezza luce
la volpe d'oro
uccisa a una sorgiva.
(Salvatore Quasimodo)
The wood retains it's natural properties over the passage of time. As there are no chemicals used in the production of our dildos, the surfaces are completely hypoallergenic and will retain the natural feel of wood. Only sunflower oil and beeswax are employed to give a smooth glassy finish, which can be washed with soap and warm water.
Otherwise on request we can cover the sculpture with an impermeable vitreous surface.
Each dildo is completely unique and entirely made by hand. Any imperfections are down to the natural grain in the wood itself.
Each process for the creation of these objects has complied with the most serious and strict controls regarding respect for the natural environment.