Dildo Italiano info@dildoitaliano.com Gallery
Made in Italy with Italian Wood - Absolutely Green
The wood is Ulmus Glabra (Olmo Montano).
The Olmo can be up to 25 meters tall straight trunk .
Branches can from the trunk short height .
The bark is smooth when young , then become scaly.
The flowers appear after the leaves towards March or April and are hermaphrodites compounds 5-6 stamens in color between pink and purple .
The color of the inside of the trunk is very dark and very hard texture , used for various purposes .
The size is 21 cm length, from 4 to 4,5 cm diameter, about 305 gr weight.
Sorgeva in fertile /piano campestre/
un infruttifero olmo silvestre,/che come inutile/
tronco malnato,/ vivea tra gli alberi/ inonorato.
Pur mentre ei povero/ stassi, ed abbietto,/ la sorte cangia/
per lui d'aspetto:/ il cultor rustico/ l'olmo destina/
sostegno a giovine / vite vicina.
(Giovanni Gherardo de Rossi)
Ulmus Glabra